
Remember THIS?

It's the contest I blogged about two months ago. When I planned to announce a winner on July 7 and then extended the deadline because my email crashed and I lost comments that never got posted. And I know I'm still missing some--sorry!

Yeah, that contest.

Here's hoping that the wrinkles have finally all been ironed out of my Internet server problems, my email glitches, the graphics card problem that caused my computer to crash, etc., etc., etc.

After sifting through the comments about positive thinking on both blogs, as well as those that managed to arrive unscathed in my email, I've come up with a winner. A thought that touched my heart and made me smile:

And positive thoughts? Man. Don't we all need them? Every day? It's like that thing they tell you in customer service ~ people will complain to a bunch of people if they get rotten service, but hardly tell anyone at all if they have great service. I think we should strive to turn that around ~ tell people what good they do, we all need to know someone appreciates us for some reason.

That wisdom from the winner: Ali Cross.

It seems to be raw human nature to complain, and a sad fact that we often neglect to tell others about the good. If we search for it, it's usually there in abundance. It's a wonderful feeling to be appreciated, and wonderful to pass it on.

Thank you, Ali. I appreciate you and your insightful comments.

If you feel inclined to do so, visit Ali's blog and tell her how much you appreciate her too...

My main computer crashed Friday. The good news is that it happened after my awesome editor put the finishing touches on my novel and sent it off to print.

I didn't get a chance to post this update on my picture book, and two book signings last Saturday. I have lots to post, but little time to do it since I'm so far behind. Here are some highlights:

I visited a lavender farm where I did research for my next novel.
I attended LDSBooksellers and met lots of wonderful people.
I had a birthday lunch with my granddaughter who is turning seven!
I fractured my finger, but it's better now.
I was invited to join a new company as an artist and designer--more info to come.
I got the chance to hear my friend author Haley Hatch Freeman speak on anorexia and self-worth!
I was offered a column with our local newspaper.
Valerie and I had two wonderful signings on Saturday--photos here.

If you've sent me an email, sorry if I haven't responded. Only a fraction of my email is trickling in. I hope to have everything back in working order by next week.
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